Stopping Bleeding: Step-by-Step Guide on Effective and Safe Techniques

Stopping Bleeding: Step-by-Step Guide on Effective and Safe Techniques

At Global Safety, we’re dedicated to stopping fear and uncertainty by giving you the education to help you protect yourself and others during an active shooter incident. During an event like this, it is possible for someone to be injured, bleeding, and in need of medical attention. Learn more about how to stop bleeding safely and effectively until paramedics arrive. Sign up your workplace for our first aid training to learn other important safety techniques.

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Apply Pressure

The first step in stopping bleeding is to apply direct pressure to the wound. Use a cloth, gauze, or bandage and press firmly over the wound site. Applying pressure helps to slow down or stop the bleeding by promoting clotting.

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Elevate the Wound

If possible, elevate the injured area above the level of the injured person’s heart. Elevating the wound helps reduce blood flow to the injured area, which can aid in stopping the bleeding. However, if elevating the wound causes pain or discomfort to the individual, it is not necessary.

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Use a Tourniquet as a Last Resort

If direct pressure and elevation do not stop the bleeding, using a tourniquet may be necessary. A tourniquet should only be used as a last resort for severe bleeding that cannot be controlled by other means. Strips of fabric — such as shoelaces, neckties, and scarves — can be used as makeshift tourniquets. Tightly tie the tourniquet several inches above the wound until the bleeding stops. Remember to note the time the tourniquet was applied, as it is crucial information for medical professionals.

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Seek Immediate Medical Help

Regardless of whether the bleeding has stopped or not, it is crucial to seek immediate medical help. Call emergency services or transport the individual to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. Medical professionals can provide proper treatment, assess the extent of the injury, and prevent complications.

Empower your workplace with other important health and safety techniques with our first aid training courses. These classes are designed to equip your organization with knowledge to help protect themselves and others in the event of an active shooter. Call us today to learn more.

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